Begin Your Journey to Happiness
News update:
One of Andrew's studies has been published again!
His study, "Does Clarity and Frequency of Future Self-Thoughts Influence our Mental Health?", has been accepted and publication in the Journal of Psychological Thought.
You can read the study here
Meet Andrew Boxer
‘I like to be warm and welcoming. I have a very open and relaxed manner that I hope will allow you to feel comfortable in describing your situation. Research shows that the therapeutic relationship (e.g., how well you get along with your psychologist) can be just as important as the work we do together. I think therapy should not be rigid, and I try to emulate that. Pawfessor Morty (a Hungarian Vizsla), who's part of the therapy team, looks forward to helping you feel warm and welcomed, too!’
– Andrew

Practice Areas
Andrew offers a range of services
Due to a variety of factors, men and younger males may experience difficulties with opening up about their mental health issues and having honest conversations about mental health. We can help.
It is important to make sure young people feel comfortable being themselves and expressing themselves. Adolescence is a time of transition and figuring out who you are, where you fit in the world and how to deal with the difficult situation that is #adulting
COVID has put a strain on many relationships over the last few years. Learn skills to help improve communication, intermediacy and trust.
Coaching & Wellbeing
Psychology isn't only about focusing on the deficits and difficult times. Get help improving performance, satisfaction with life and your general wellbeing.
Animal Assisted Therapy
Clients find Pawfessor Morty helps lower their anxiety and stress, especially when recalling stressful situations. Morty has receive training and certification and is ready for all the patts!
Family Therapy
The fallout from COVID hasn’t just effected couples, its effected hole family units. Family therapy offers a way to open and improve communication and resolve conflict between family members.
Common Presentations
Andrew sees a range of presentations, including:
Most people will experience depression or low mood at least once in their lives. If you're experiencing a lack of motivation, loss of joy, sleeping or eating too much/little, and trouble concentrating, you may be suffering from depression.
Career & Direction
Not getting satisfaction from what we do or feeling lost about our future can put a strain on our mental health. Seeking guidance and having a direction to head towards can turn things around.
Anxiety can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and unable to function properly. If you're overthinking, finding it difficult to switch off, constantly worrying about what people think of you, have OCD, phobias and/or trouble sleeping, you can seek help to manage anxiety.
Relationship Issues
It's hardest when the people are closest to us. Get help learning to strengthen the bond and communication with your loved ones.
Emotional Regulation
Having trouble regulating how you feel in an ever more stressful world is becoming more and more common. Is your anger affecting your relationships? Learn more about strategies to help you deal with how you're feeling.
Learning to process the loss of someone, whether it's a person, beloved pet or other life change can be overwhelming. You are not alone and therapy can help.